Thursday, May 12, 2011

Kenapa lah....

It's less than 24 hours before I become someone else's wife. But for some reason I'm having major breakdown... Bangun pagi tengok hand phone and ada 11 facebook notification. Setelah diamati rupanya it's a conversation between cousins. And I am devastated selepas find out ramai cousins tak dapat attend masa majlis nikah nanti. Hati tiba-tiba sebak, bergenang air mata.... Sedih...

My own sister can't attend on my solemnization sebab ada field trip wajib ke Pahang which I can accept. But what I can't accept is some cousins yang tak boleh datang dengan sebab yang tak munasabah. Look, kami sepupu-sepupu dah rapat sangat macam adik beradik. Ok, let me give some examples :

1) Along - Tak boleh datang sebab mak mertua nak datang rumah malam ni. Cmon Nas, you know that ur wife have to attend this ceremony kenapa tak suruh je mak you datang next week? Cmon la!!

2) Ida - Dah apply cuti on Friday but still tak boleh datang atas alasan husband kerja and tak boleh bawak dua kereta sebab pas kenduri nak balik Melaka. Kenapa la time aku nak kawen baru sebok nak balik umah mertua? 

3) Amy - Ini lagi tak boleh terima. Alasan - susah nak dapat cuti. This is FUCKING ANNOYING!

Seriously aku  menangis... Even sampai sekarang pun aku rasa nak menangis. Why don't you guys  make effort to be here with me share the moment. It's a ONCE IN A LIFETIME... Bukan selalu pun aku kawen... You guys know what I've been through but why none of you understand that this is huge moment for me. I didn't asked you guys to come and buat kerja. Just came and enjoy the moment that's all I asked for! As simple as that.... Memang la korang cakap korang akan datang masa sanding tapi tak sama... Masa nikah tu je kita nak gelak-gelak, share the moment sebab masa majlis bersanding, I'll be in my own world.. Layan tetamu, layan kawan-kawan, photoshoot etc2.... Masa tu aku dah takde masa nak layan korang. Ni jela masa yang ada untuk bergelak ketawa sebelum aku jadi milik orang. 

As you guys see, I'll try to make effort on each every one of you when you get married. Sesibuk mana pun, aku akan cuba ambil cuti, datang at least one day before the big event. I came to your nikah ceremony, apatah lagi sanding. Never missed each and everyone of you because we're family! It is a responsible to attend all family gathering because we're family.


1 Komen sikit-sikit sudah:

kaSih.CinTa.GadiS said...

huhu...aku pon rs bersalah gak xdpt attend wedding ko!suppose as planned,aku nak naik bas je dtg ko nikah sbb aku peknen,syam xkasi.dia risau..n dia plak xleh nk skip htr mknn kt hotel tue.sabtu nie je aku mintk tlg sgt2 dia skip..tu pon,boss dia xbg tp dia ckp lantaklah..dia kena attend jugak wedding korg sbb korg byk tlg kitorg ms prep kt dewan mlm tue..i'm so sorry my dear! u can't imagine how regret i am for not being there in ur solemnization..that's the sweetest memories u'll ever had..chill k!!love u so much n again,huge of sorry!!

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